20+ Years Experience

Specialist Accountants for Doctors

EDI Policy

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Accountants for Doctors is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all our business operations and practices. This EDI Policy sets out our approach to promoting EDI and creating a workplace culture that values and respects diversity.

  1. Our Commitment to EDI Accountants for Doctors is committed to creating a workplace culture that is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination. We believe that diversity is a strength and are committed to promoting EDI in all aspects of our business operations and practices.
  2. Our Approach to EDI Accountants for Doctors promotes EDI in the following ways:
    Recruitment and hiring: We actively seek to recruit and hire individuals from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups.
    Training and development: We provide training and development opportunities that promote awareness and understanding of EDI issues and foster a culture of inclusion and respect.
    Policies and procedures: We have policies and procedures in place to prevent discrimination, harassment, and bullying, and to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect.
    Communication and engagement: We encourage open communication and engagement with employees at all levels and provide channels for feedback and suggestions.
  3. Our Responsibility to EDI Accountants for Doctors recognises that promoting EDI is an ongoing responsibility that requires continuous effort and commitment. We will regularly review and update our EDI policies and practices to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with evolving legal requirements and best practices.
  4. Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement Accountants for Doctors is committed to continuously improving our approach to EDI. We will set goals and objectives for promoting EDI and regularly monitor our progress to ensure that we are making meaningful progress.

At Accountants for Doctors, we are committed to promoting EDI and creating a workplace culture that values and respects diversity. If you have any concerns or questions about our approach to EDI, please contact us at [email protected].

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